Desire – Duality at the Root of All Experience

Artist: Unknown

Desire – Is at the root of all experience and evolution. Desire is also at the root of all suffering. At the very core of life there is an “engine” fueled by the paradox and reverberation between 1) The desire to return to essence; To unify and 2) The desire to separate from essence; To individualize or diversify. This creates the fundamental “magnets” of attraction and repulsion to and from core-essence which generates the evolutionary journey of the soul by its own created / intended nature.

Our life results from our soul’s desires. Our soul carries within it an arrangement of past, present and future (being formed) desires that is in essence the basic construct of our unique identity as a soul. We are and result from our past experiences as conscious beings, and our past experiences have resulted from our past desires (bearing in mind soul desires are not necessarily conscious).

When our soul generates desire it is not to be removed, denied, suppressed or ignored as such avoidance of core desires only results in distortion and developmental issues in the formation of consciousness. Instead core-desires must become realized by the soul. All such desires exist for the evolutionary development of the soul; That is why they exist. It can be said that throughout our many lifetimes our soul is exhausting its desires. Spiritual evolution is gradually obtained in this way; By actually living out, realizing, exhausting all of our “separating desires” which are the desires which make us the unique individuals that we are, until the only desire that remains inherently within the soul is the desire to return to its essence; Source; God. The soul then reaches the highest spiritual stage of evolution.

There is no short-cutting the core desires of the soul. They must be explored, understood, and then transform through lived conscious experience and self-development.

There are as many unique expressions as there are total souls that have ever lived. The soul learns through exploring themes that reflect a duality between essence (natural self) and constructed / aspired desires that are inevitably unable to be sustained because they do not truly reflect or embody the natural self.

So an example of a soul desire may be a longing for recognition from others, and that deep desire, which cannot be avoided or denied must be explored, and through “exhaustion” can lead to the soul recognizing and developing an internal-recognition, which is to say, self-trust, that is no longer dependent on the recognition of others.

Another example can be a soul desire to explore a seemingly illogical and yet inescapably attractive sexual fetish which cannot be avoided or denied so it must be explored. Through conscious exploration as to the actual meaning, significance, such as connection to and result from past experience, the sexual fetish can be recognized as a naturally and unconsciously constructed process for soul-healing and then be integrated if understood and respected carefully, leading to the gradual “exhaustion” of the surface-desire as the soul learns to trust its own inner-exploration and develops a deep level self-acceptance.

Another example of a soul desire may be a longing for the perfect partner, which cannot be avoided or denied so it must be explored and through “exhaustion” can lead to the soul recognizing and developing an internal partnership, which is to say, an inner-sense of true completion, that is no longer dependent on the completion found in another, but rather the individual can share their own inner-sense of completion with another in partnership.

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