Pluto: Down the Rabbit Hole, A Metaphor

As humanity dotted it’s eyes with a kleenex, both perplexed and relieved to how suddenly it erupted into expressing the full and emotional history of it’s youth and adolescence within the oddly comforting embrace of the therapist’s armchair, the therapist responded:

“Despite the hardships you have experienced you present a rich and vibrant story containing an abundance of buried treasures and gems. The truth is life is complex, that’s the good and bad news; It’s not as straightforward or simple as you may have believed it once were. Yet as your awareness of life’s complexity grows, so does your overall appreciation of it. Though it is not always comfortable to transit the rocky trenches or sticky swamps, your understanding and experience of beauty is multiplied a hundred-fold through the full-spectrum of emotional experiences life bestowes you, Humanity. That doesn’t mean you have to repeat the same wounding or traumatizing experiences that you have had in the past, but rather, that the beauty and intricacy of life always allows for you to go back if you choose and to see things in an entirely new and different way. You can always make new discoveries that facilitates real growth and positive change. Every unturned stone, every can of worms, though not always consciously chosen, is ours to discover and explore.

Life is not always as simple or straightforward as it appears to be. The truth is life is complex, that’s the good and bad news. Yet as your awareness of life’s complexity grows, so does the depth of your heart and your soul. And that’s a thing to celebrate, Humanity. Your dedication to personal improvement is what brought you here, and as we’ve already begun to uncover this work, the act of transformation is already well underway. You can always recognize and you deserve to always recognize yourself and your dedication to what truly matters most in life.”

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