Timothy Halloran’s Descent

Drawing by Marie F

I thought I would share that I’m finding the most healthy and appropriate overall thing to allow myself is to fall off of the spiritual pedestal and “descend”. I am consciously making the movement from being a “spiritual person” to simply being a “person” and as a result I’m witnessing certain things I used to prioritize for spiritual reasons dissolve into things I used to prioritize for entirely different reasons. Yes it is as if every single “spiritual thing” exists for reasons that are actually inherently and entirely un-spiritual. It seems to me every so-called spiritual person is actually being driven by reasons that are entirely un-spiritual at the root; They just don’t know that yet, so their reasoning is “spiritual”. “Spiritual people” take their desires and needs and “spiritualize” them so that there’s no real need to look at things plain and simply for what they actually are. Everything gets glamorized instead. It’s largely an avoidance tactic.

In de-evolving from a spiritual to a regular person I am discovering an increased sense of appreciation for all of life; Especially my unique human qualities. Being petty about certain things instead of assuming I ought to be beyond them is liberating. Not carrying a lofty mission of saving the world or holding a particular “special identity” which displaces me from my surrounding world and species is relieving. Not needing to prove trivial things to mindless herds, like speaking in a particular tone, or dressing a way, or pretending that the ceremony involving bells, candles and singing bowls is actually the most serious and life-altering thing in existence is like freedom from some kind of militant cult.

I no longer need to worry if I am going to make ascension; I’ve chosen not to. I’ve decided to remain a human being tethered to the planet earth with all of my earthly complexes, conflicts, fears and desires is a full enough curriculum without even having to worry about my energetic vibration, clearing myself of negative entities, battling archons and the illuminati and how the moon was hijacked and all of that seriously terrifying science fiction.

When I am a kind loving inspiring person now, it has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality. It has nothing to do with my lineage, or my teachers, or the books I’ve read, or the workshops or retreats I’ve attended. It has nothing to do with the codes I’m sourcing, or the vibration I’ve attuned myself to, or the morning practice I’ve dedicated myself to which now I simply call “morning time.”

I do not need to fear doing the wrong things, or being around the wrong people to maintain my royal highness and purity. I simply hang around those that I like for having a positive influence in my life.

Thank God for no longer having to fit such an enigmatic and misleading thing such as being “spiritual”. My heart, my mind, my focus and intention are all my own; they speak for themselves; their affect on myself and others is directly tangible and observable, can be broken apart and understood for very real reasons, all is cause and affect; The proof of who I am is discovered all in making contact with me. All in knowing me for who I am. There is nothing more mysterious than this and no need for glamorization, fancy names, glitzy lifestyle to avoid and distract from what already is and what we already are.

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